Polygon Abstract Background After Effects

.Draw a path using the shape tools or Pen tool. Drawing a mask path is similar to drawing a shape path. (See and.).Specify the dimensions of the mask path numerically in the Mask Shape dialog box. (See.).Convert a shape path to a mask path by copying the shape’s path to the Mask Path property.Convert a motion path to a mask path. (See.).Trace color or alpha channel values to create a mask using the Auto-trace command. (See.).Paste a path copied from another layer or from Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, or Fireworks.

(See.).Convert a text layer to one or more editable masks on a solid-color layer by using the Create Masks From Text command. (See.).Use captured shapes to create motion graphics. Note:To create a mask that you can move independently of the primary layer that it is masking, do the following:. Create the mask on a separate white solid layer, and use that solid layer as a track matte for the primary layer.

Use parenting to make the solid layer a child of the primary layer, so that the mask moves with the primary layer as if it were applied directly. Because the solid layer is a child layer, it can also be animated independently of its parent. You can use motion tracking to make the solid layer (and therefore the mask) follow moving objects in the primary layer.

Download visio 2007 full key. You create a shape layer by drawing in the Composition panel with a shape tool or the Pen tool. You can then add shape attributes to existing shapes or create shapes within that shape layer. By default, if you draw in the Composition panel when a shape layer is selected, you create a shape within that shape layer, above the selected shapes or group of shapes. If you draw in the Composition panel using a shape tool or Pen tool when an image layer other than a shape layer is selected, you create a mask. The following issues are known:.

Not all features of Illustrator files are currently preserved. Examples include: opacity, images, and gradients. Converted shapes ignore PAR overrides specified in the Interpret Footage dialog box.

Gradients and unsupported types may show as 50% gray shapes. Files with thousands of paths may import slowly without feedback. The menu command works on a single selected layer at a time. If you import an Illustrator file as a composition (i.e., several layers), you cannot convert all those layers in one pass.

However, you can import the file as footage, and then use the command to convert the single footage layer to shapes. When you create a shape by dragging with a shape tool in the Composition panel, you create a parametric shape path. To instead create a Bezier shape path, press the Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) key before you click to begin dragging. You can release the key before you complete the drag operation. All mask paths are Bezier paths. (See.)Dragging starts when you click in the Composition panel or Layer panel to begin drawing, and ends when you release the mouse button.

Polygon Abstract Background After Effects Images

Pressing modifier keys at different times during a single dragging operation achieves different results. You can create a Bezier mask using the Pentool on a selected layer in the Composition panel or Layer panel.You can create a shape with a Bezier path using the Pen tool ona selected shape layer in the Composition panel. If you draw withthe Pen tool in the Composition panel with no layer selected, youcreate a shape on a new shape layer.Creating a RotoBezierpath is similar to creating a manual Bezier path. The primary differenceis that direction lines for vertices and curvature for path segmentsare automatically calculated. The Video switch forthe text layer is turned off.The new shape layer is createdat the top of the layer stacking order. The new layer contains oneshape group for each selected character, plus fill and stroke propertiesthat match the fills and strokes of the text.For charactersthat consist of compound paths—such as i and e—multiplepaths are created and combined with the Merge Paths path operation.Effects,masks, layer styles, and keyframes and expressions for propertiesin the Transform property group of the text layer are copied tothe new shape layer or solid-color layer.

You can copy a path from Illustrator or Photoshop and paste it into After Effects as a mask path or shape path.To make the data copied from Illustrator compatible with After Effects, the AICB option must be selected in the Files & Clipboard section of the Adobe Illustrator Preferences dialog box.For a path imported from Photoshop to be scaled correctly, the Photoshop document must have a resolution of 72 dpi. 72 dpi is the Resolution setting of documents created in Photoshop using a Film & Video preset.Note: You can also use a copied Illustrator, Photoshop, or Fireworks path as an After Effects motion path. See for more information. Note:To paste a path as a shape path, you must selectthe Path property of an existing shape in a shape layer. This selectiontells After Effects what the target of the paste operation is; ifthe target isn’t specified in this way, After Effects assumes that thetarget is the entire layer and therefore draws a new mask. If thereis no Path property—perhaps because the shape layer is empty—thenyou can draw a placeholder path with the Pen tool and then pastethe path from Illustrator into the placeholder path.


Try these five simple Adobe After Effects techniques to create backgrounds for all your upcoming motion graphics projects.Deciding on backgrounds for motion graphics can take a bit of time, but they don’t have to take forever to create. There are many ways to go about designing your background while keeping it consistent with your main project. This After Effects tutorial covers five different ways to go about creating your background.The Smooth GradientOne of the safest background techniques that works in almost every situation is the gradient. A radial gradient provides a clean background and has the ability to work the brand’s color palette into any video.Repeated Shape LayersWant to add some designs to your background? Grab a shape from the tools menu and use a repeater to run it across the entirety of your composition. Repeated shapes offer a quick way to add detail to your background.Custom Repeated Shape LayersUse the pen tool to add a custom shape that looks amazing and follows the style of your brand. You can even grab the outline of a vector file in Illustrator, paste it into a shape layer within After Effects, and then add a repeater.ParticlesParticles can be a great way to add movement and small details to your composition.

CC Particle World will allow you to have a constant flow of customized moving particles. You can also upload your own vector graphics as particles.TexturesMotion graphics artists may be accustomed to using.PNG images just as their background.

However, with the techniques above, you can use a texture to composite over your pre-made background. This will tie all of the elements together nicely.Bonus: Lens FlaresHaving a pre-made lens flare pack can help you dramatically.

Lens flare help create depth and add contrast to the overall composition. Be sure to check out from for 120 amazing lens flares elements.

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