Sort Multiple Gps Addresses
My method to quickly and EASILY sort IP addresses in Excel 2013Want a quick, easy way to sort 254 IP addresses?You can do this just using half a dozen clicks and entering two ip addresses!No need for splitting the address into 4 columns - or using 'strings' and concatenation.This is EASYHi,If like me, you have created an Excel spreadsheet detailing computer equipment and IP Addresses, you will have discovered that the IP addresses are not sorted correctly.The issue arises because the IP addresses in the spreadsheet are treated as text, and therefore are not sorted correctly. And unfortunately if you have 6000 entries it is also useless.
Using the same thinking (With ordering another column to sort the one of interest) you can use this formula:=(VALUE(LEFT(A1;FIND('.' ;A1)))))))Assume the IP address is in A1, paste this to B1. Hi,You can easily sort IP-addresses by spliting them to their 4 values.(I random generated IP-addresses with randbetween(1,255)) IPDevice details121.111.45.173A68.11.178.181B174.14.154.73C61.100.34.74D181.90.7.97E152.182.111.128F32.137.26.143G101.157.41.248H44.242.188.72I251.14.80.134J6.110.71.49K218.175.107.74L119.179.222.173M117.32.67.170N117.196.45.220O215.76.138.55P202.59.83.2Q71.154.84.216R78.217.11.26S98.18.209.251T103.119.159.107U253.65.126.95V234.201.232.255W75.84.43.141X204.134.118.156YCopy the IP's to a free column and TextToColumns, '.' As delimiter.Custom sort:Done:IPDevice detailsIP6.110.714932.137.26.114344.242.121887261.100.0347468.11.178.118171.154.84.221675.84.43.14178.217.7112698.18.209.2251101.157.41.21248103.119.159.159107117.32.67.1170117.196.45.25220119.179.222.122173121.111.45.15173152.182.111.111128174.14.1415473181.90.7.7202.59.83.2Q4.134.118.118156215.76.1613855218. regards, JP Ronse If this response answers your question then please mark as Answer. And unfortunately if you have 6000 entries it is also useless.
Yahoo Maps Multiple Addresses
Fallout new vegas romances. Using the same thinking (With ordering another column to sort the one of interest) you can use this formula:=(VALUE(LEFT(A1;FIND('.' ;A1)))))))Assume the IP address is in A1, paste this to B1.I used DEC2BIN function.DEC2BIN(number, places)At first, use FIND function to identify '.' And separate 4 octets.1st Octet: LEFT(A1,FIND('.' ,A1)-1)2nd Octet: RIGHT(LEFT(A1,FIND('.' ,A1))3rd Octet: RIGHT(LEFT(A1,FIND('.' ,A1)+1)-1)4th Octet: RIGHT(A1,4-FIND('.'
Sort Multiple Gps Addresses List
,RIGHT(A1,4)))+0then combine DEC2BIN function in each octets and places in 8 bit.Finally, the formula isDEC2BIN(LEFT(A1,FIND('.' ,RIGHT(A1,4)))+0),8)Assume the IP address is in A1, paste this to B1.sorting with bit column A-Z or Z-A.