Reddit Best Racist Jokes

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Reddit Best Racist Jokes Quotes

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We do have, from time to time, a stickied megathread for meta posts.Shout out'sMany thanks to for creating our UnpopularOpinion Bot! Related Subreddits. It really irritates me that leftists have been targeting the art of comedy and individual comedians. In a world full of widely opposing political perspectives, beliefs and stances, I would argue that comedy is the one aspect of society that should be deemed untouchable.It’s cathartic and harmless to make light of issues that appear to be plaguing our global communities, by utilizing comedy as a medium.Censorship and political correctness can kiss my ass, I just want to laugh now and be worried later.

Where’s Dave Chappelle when we need him?. All in moderation.Some racially charged jokes can be very funny. I'm not arguing that jokes about race should be off limits, but it can get a little excessive at times. When i'm scrolling through twitter or ifunny and almost all the race jokes I see are dissing black people (or other minorities), it becomes a little overdone and feels at that point like black people are just being attacked.I also don't feel like leftists are the ones 'targeting comedy' since the vast majority of comedians are left wing. This isn't a left-right problem, if a bunch of jokes shitting right-wingers was flooding the internet, I guarantee some right-wingers would get angry.

Some people get pissed about jokes, I don't understand why you had to use that fact as a reason to attack the left. Your correct that the left do use virtue signalling and identity politics to shut down comedy, and even discourse as a whole. I can assure you if a bunch of jokes shitting on Jesus were to spread around the internet the right would go absolutely ballistic (an many on the left as well).​South Park. Just pick an episode. No one is safe from South Park. Not the left.

Not the right. Not the Christians or the Jews or the Muslims or the Scientologists.

Not vegans or gays. Not even the poor guys in orange jackets.But it did something beautiful.People laughed, sure. But it put things on the screen that we were reluctant to show people on television. It brought to peoples attention issues that made them uncomfortable. Did we hate Mr. Garrison for being gay?

We were mostly horrified by the things he did with Mr. Slave in the classroom. South Park didn't care if you were gay, straight, a porn star's son, black, in a wheel chair, poor, jewish, christian, crazy, canadian, famous, fat, democrat, republican or a terrible president. They didn't discriminate. They joked about all people, equally. Close to equally.

Well they didn't believe in anything not being joked about and anyone who could respect that belief, regardless of their beliefs, could share in this obscene TV show and their mocking everyone.This is what comedy is about. It's about bringing people together and breaking down barriers.​There are two types of people in this world.

Those who are easily offended and those who aren't and you're right. There is no politics in offence, only people against unity. When I did an AMA in the Million Dollar Extreme Sub as a black woman, I had one of them ask me if it was okay to joke to their black girlfriend that black women's nipples look like cigar burns. Another one asked me if our tits leak koolaid. Had me rolling the whole time. Extremely offensive jokes, but also mad funny. That's how racial humour is done.

That being said, I can definitely understand why some people don't like it.I think it crosses the line when you imply inferiority of a race or group. For example, I liked that meme that said lightskinned women don't text back, dark-skinned women don't save numbers, and brown-skinned women don't do either depending on the mood. I didn't like the one that made fun that compared dark-skinned girls to chocolate, brown skinned girls to caramel, and light-skinned girls to cream of mushroom soup. They're both stereotypical representations of a group, but one is just taking the mick out of all colors of black women.

The other one is just being mean. I'm quite firmly in the dark skinned category and it still rings a little off to me.

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Reddit best racist jokes memes

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Change my view. I’m not a racist at all and for full disclosure and the nature of this CMV I will state that yes I am a white guy in my mid twenties and politically I’m left-leaning progressive. I’m not right-wing. I’m against gun-control. I’m supportive of gay marriage. I’m environmentally responsible. But it seems I find this argument comes up a lot.As it says, making a racist joke is not racism.

A “racist joke” is just a joke based on stereotypes for the purpose of humour. A lot of African American comedians will always say “you ever seen a white person do this”, followed by taking the piss out of white people. It’s not racism. It’s not malicious.

It’s not coming from a place of hate. It’s a joke based on a stereotype, regardless of how inaccurate that stereotype may be it’s still a stereotype and we know it doesn’t apply to everyone.If the joke was made about asians, hispanics, White people, black people, Indian people - doesn’t matter. It’s not racism it’s a joke about a stereotype for the purposes of laughter.Since when did we lose the ability to laugh at ourselves and our stereotypes?Racism is prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. Racism is the KKK. Racism is the Nazi’s. Racism is not letting the black guy sit at the front of the bus.

Racism is actually hating someone because you believe them to be inferior.A racist joke does not come from a place of believing yourself to be better than the joke’s subject because of race. Hell those same people can just as easily joke about themselves.Calling everything racist left right and centre and labelling a joke based on stereotypes for the purposes of humour, is in my opinion disrespectful to those that have in the past and still today experience real, actual racism. I think some people have a hard time seeing the difference between when a joke is mocking another race and when a joke is mocking a stariotype of another race. I agree we should laugh at the stariotypes society places on us but not at putting down classes of people.For example is a page full of proper racist 'jokes' they are full of derogatory terms and the race of the characters doesn't really matter but it's just an excuse to call black people stupid. These jokes are told to put down and laugh at classes of people not to laugh at the stariotypes. It’s not racism.


It’s not malicious. It’s not coming from a place of hateWhile this is a very common definition of racism, it's generally considered out of date.An action doesn't necessarily have to be intentionally hurtful in order to be racist.For example, there was a famous study showing that identical resumes with different names had different amounts of call backs based on whether they sounded 'traditionally' black.In many cases, it isn't intentional.Since when did we lose the ability to laugh at ourselves and our stereotypes?When we realized that they can contribute towards racism. Even if you don't personally believe the stereotype of the joke, you're spreading that stereotype. Down the line, people are going to internalize that stereotype- leading to discrimination.regardless of how inaccurate that stereotype may be it’s still a stereotype and we know it doesn’t apply to everyone.But not everyone reacts that way towards stereotypes. There are a significant amount of people that will pick up on those stereotypes, who wouldn't otherwise. In fact, jokes/memes have (and have been) a very favored tactic for recruiting alt-right/white supremacists. They consider it a way to ease someone into it, while claiming 'it's just a joke'.Things that are labelled racist are not necessarily done so solely because of intentions.

They're done so because they perpetuate things like discrimination or antagonism, even if it's indirectA “racist joke” is just a joke based on stereotypes for the purpose of humour.While the above is the main reason, another thing to consider is how it makes other people feel. Not to be 'holier than thou', but it's worth considering- as you said, you're a white male.

That means over your lifetime, you're going to have very different experiences than someone who is a minority.In a lot of ways, you likely take for granted not having to deal with racism in your day to day life.Whereas someone who is a minority, perhaps they had someone accuse them (legitimately) of being the stereotype you're using as a joke.Just because it hasn't happened to you, doesn't mean it can't be hurtful. It can be hard to wrap your head around because it's something we tend take so completely for granted.Obviously it's hard to give an example you can relate to, but imagine someone making fun of something that you consider off limits/sensitive. It probably wouldn't feel great,would it?.

The argument that it's a form of racism to tell racist jokes is mostly based around the impact it has rather than the feelings that the person sharing it actually has.Telling a racist joke as a stand up comedian could be argued as irresponsible because there might be someone in the audience that doesn't recognize it as a joke. If 1% of people think it's funny because 'it's true' you've suddenly empowered a white supremist or whatever crazy group you want to pick.I would agree that if you are telling the joke to a group of friends in an area that you won't be overheard that it's a different story.

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