Get Data From A Chip From Two Wires

With the rapid development of mobile devices, contact and communication in between people via portable handsets becomes common and convenient. Different from the past, people nowadays prefer to enter and store the address, phone number, email and other information about a specific contact in their Samsung Galaxy instead of handwriting hundreds or thousands or them on the phone book. However, when we want to change Samsung Galaxy S5 to S6, how can we quickly transfer contacts to the new cellphone?

In the following part, we will show you how to directly transfer data from one Samsung to another via Kies.Note: Data transmission in between Samsung phones only works under the circumstances of USB connection. Wi-Fi connection doesn't support this function temporarily.We will take contacts as example and display how to transfer contacts among Samsung phones step by step. The operation and process of moving other media files like music, photos, videos from one Galaxy device to another are the same as that of contacts. Part 1. Part 2.Step 1 Connect Two Samsung Phones via USB CableLaunch Samsung Kies program, and connect two Galaxy devices to the computer via USB cable. Once they are successfully connected, information about the two handsets will appear on the left column of the main interface.Step 2 Start Transferring Contacts in between PhonesIn the main window, you can see three options, 'Basic Information','Sync' and 'Backup/Restore' at the top.

Click the ' Backup/Restore' and select ' Transfer between devices'. Then, you can see the interface as below. Tick ' Contacts' item and hit the ' Send' button.After a while, the transmission will end. Press ' Complete' to finish the process. Then, you can check the contacts in your new Samsung Galaxy.Note: To transfer other content, just select those items you need and press ' send'.Transfer contacts from old Galaxy phone to a new one is very convenient and simple. However, this method doesn't always work well, supposing you want to transfer Samsung i9300 to Galaxy S5. If you've read the tutorial, you may figure out why it's not workable.

Kies have two versions, Kies 2.6 and Kies 3, supporting different Android system versions. I9300 is in Android 4.1.2, while S5 Android 4.4. Two devices can't connect to the same version of Kies. This feature of Kies is quite weird.To tackle this issue, users can turn to another program, Phone Transfer. Has so great compatibility that can support iOS, Android, Symbian and Blackberry systems. Data transmission between two handsets with Android 4.4 or lower system can be accomplished with the help of Phone Transfer.

Follow the two steps below and transfer contacts from handset to handset with Phone Transfer.Step 1 Connect Phones to PCPlug in two smartphones to computer via USB cable.Step 2 Transfer Contacts between PhonesSelect ' Contacts' and click ' Start Copy' to move all the contact data from one device to another.As you can see, transferring data with Phone Transfer is also very easy and convenient. If this article is helpful, repost and share it to your friends.

Get Data From A Chip From Two Wires

Click to expand.It powers up in run mode, so you can just use it as a read-only device(chip select, bang out the 13 temperature bits, deselect) and ignorethe shutdown and id commands. Looks just like an LM71 in that respect,except that the LM71 has 14 temperature bits.I consider that to be a 3-wire (read-only) interface: cs, clock, data.Here's my LM71 code, 68K assembly.SBTTL. RTEMP: READ THE LM71 TEMP SENSOR; WE READ 14 BITS FROM THE LM71, INTO D4 13:0, AND SIGN-EXTEND; BIT 13 INTO 15:14. It powers up in run mode, so you can just use it as a read-only device(chip select, bang out the 13 temperature bits, deselect) and ignorethe shutdown and id commands. Looks just like an LM71 in that respect,except that the LM71 has 14 temperature bits.I consider that to be a 3-wire (read-only) interface: cs, clock, data.Here's my LM71 code, 68K assembly.SBTTL.

Get Data From A Chip From Two Wires Diagram

TwoGet data from a chip from two wires without

RTEMP: READ THE LM71 TEMP SENSOR; WE READ 14 BITS FROM THE LM71, INTO D4 13:0, AND SIGN-EXTEND; BIT 13 INTO 15:14. Click to expand.John,Thanks for the reply and the info. Your reply allows me to put myquestion into perspective and maybe clarify it a bit.I'm assuming that there is no chance of bad things (or confusion)happening on the SPI bus to other hardware as long as they are not chipselected? And I assume that the TC77 data pin should probably go to theSDI pin on the PIC since it is 'mostly' a read only device?Thanks also for the code. Unfortunately my limited cognitive abilityreduces me to using C. I have looked for reference material to startlearning the basics of ASM but haven't had much luck.

Get Data From A Chip From Two Wires Free

Could yourecommend something in the reading department?John. Click to expand.I program embedded stuff in assembly because I like it, but C isprobably a better choice for most people. The chip manufacturer shouldhave the basic appnotes on the chip architecture and instruction set,and there are lots of supplementary books around, from Amazon andOpamp and Powell's and such. It is useful to know the machine codeseven if you program in C, so you can 'see through' the compiler andhave an idea of what it compiles effciently and what it doesn't. I'mjust now doing a product that can time out 10 seconds to 1 picosecondresolution, so I'm doing a lot of 64-bit math, and doing that fast issomething a compiler might not be good at. I'm doing a 64x32fractional multiply in a couple of microseconds, and I can imaginesome C library taking a hundred times as long.Some machines are dogs to program in assembly, and that includes thex86 and PIC architectures.John.

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