Sqf Air Quality Iso Standards

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Facebook. Twitter137Do you assess air quality in your organization? Please share which parameters you control.Air in food products facilities is a vector of contamination, moving from one place to another, and should be a concern to food safety practitioner’s as well as, for example, contamination by surfaces. Contaminants can be dispersed by aerosols consisting of solid (e.g. Dust) or liquid (e.g. Condensation water) microscopic particles dispersed in air. In some facilities or in some special production areas where overpressure is used, the volume of air introduced by the air system should be enough to guarantee the continuous outflow of air, preventing contaminated air to flow in.

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Iso Quality Standards Definition

In practice achieving this constant outwards flow can be challenge, mainly when doors are opened, and every opening should be taken in consideration when designing the room (e.g. Conveyors, drains, light fixtures,).The importance of air quality, and particularly of air flow, in preventing cross-contamination was mentioned in.

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