Fortigate Upload Configuration Give Entry Is Used Error

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Fortigate upload configuration give entry is used error list

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Eg:edit 0 (create a new object, with the next available ID)set interface internalset name 'LAN1'set addressnext​the 3rd and 4th lines of that config above are what i refer to as 'variable'. That's the bit that's going to change each time. The other 3 lines are static (maybe the interface will change too, but that's cool).​so to make use of my 'code-helper' you generate all your variable lines in Excel (or whatever's easiest) as nice long ordered lists, eg:set name 'LAN1'set name 'LAN2'set name 'LAN3'​set addressset addressset address​then you enter in the various blocks of static code, just once for each static section, and the multiple lines of variable code. For the above example:​Header Text:edit 0set interface internal​Variable lines:set name 'LAN1'set name 'LAN2'set name 'LAN3'​Upper Body Text (another static section, not required here so leave blank!)​More variable lines:set addressset addressset address​Lower Body (another static bit):next​hit Submit and the site 'Fortigatifies' the code, repeating the static blocks of text X number of times (for the number of lines of variable code you have), inserting each line of variable code into each block.

Result:​edit 0set interface internalset name 'LAN1'set address​edit 0set interface internalset name 'LAN2'set address​edit 0set interface internalset name 'LAN3'set address​You'll see there are lots of rows, alternately for 'body (static)' text and variables lines. So your blocks of code can be several lines long. Make sure you delete out all the additional rows that you don't need, otherwise they'll get inserted into your code too!!​Hope that helps!edit formatting​edit 2 you need to be a little careful when using quotes - the web hosting provider escape out quotes to prevent SQL injections etc, so you might need to a find / replace all on the results to fix thatedit 3 it just occurred to me that address objects have names, not IDs as per my example above. Sorry for any confusion.

I typically create an excel column with a list of IP addresses, say A starting at row 2.Next column (B starting at 2) would be the CIDR mask for the object.Next column (C) would be=CONCATENATE('obj-',$A$2,'/',$B$2)Then (D):=CONCATENATE('edit ',$C$2)Then (E):=CONCATENATE('set subnet ',$A$2,'/',$B$2)Then (F):nextDrag those formulas down to fill out the rest of the spreadsheet.Take columns D, E, and F, select, and copy them into Notepad.Find, Replace, set to regex (or Extended, either will work), and replace t with rn. T is tab, which Excel will place between columns when you copy/paste. Rn is a new line. So you're replacing tabs with enters, essentially.You should have a pretty damn good pastable script.Put your config vdomand edit BLAH (if necessary), and config firewall address at the top.couple of end's at the bottom, and copy/paste or use the Upload Configuration Script in Global-System-Advanced.Word to the wise - when using the Upload Configuration Scripts feature, if you go into the command line and do a di de cli 7 while it runs, it'll tell you what failed. Any line that's not a 0 resulted in an error or a message.For extra credit, create a column for the interface and a column to concatenate in ' set associated-interface'Edit: And before anyone asks, I put the address and the mask in separate columns because it's easier for me to make 200 '24's then it is for me to type /24 at the end of every object. On mobile so pardon.What I did previously is put that in notepad and used regex to insert a return for every comma so every entry is one line.

Fortigate upload configuration give entry is used error file

Fortigate Upload Configuration Give Entry Is Used Error Codes


Fortigate Upload Configuration Give Entry Is Used Error Code

I then copied that into Excel. In Excel, I would insert the CLI syntax around each entry, I believe I inserted a column. So.Edit 0Set subnet NextFrom there I could copy it back to notepad and put it in as CLI, or a CLI script. I'm sure you could write a script, but to me that was faster than figuring out the script.In hindsight, you probably could do it all with the replace in notepad if you know regex.

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