Nexus Mods Slow Download
I reinstalled skyrim yesterday (I got a new hdd) and decided I'd start a new character and play with some mods (TONS OF MODZ). I went to nexus to get a few but I have been having issues with both the mod manager and the manual DLs.-NMM: refuses to download files most of the time. On the ocaision it does decide to download it is moving at 6kb/sec (slow).-Manual: works some of the time but is also really slow or unresponsive.FIXES I'VE TRIED:-disable avast antivirus and windows firewall: helped NMM acualy start SOME of the DLs.-reinstal NMM: No changeSYSTEM:-WIN 7 (64-BIT) uLTIMATE-INTEL I5 4670K-16gb Memory-GTX 770 4 GB-1 TB Western Digital HDD-Intel SSD (Boot drive only)-thank you.
Then use some of your experiance to fill in the gaps. Traditionally IP's supply bandwith and not overall data transfer values. If bandwith is at capacity then the IP throttles total volume. The site then reduces the capacity of total data transfers or reduces the available amount of transfers occuring.Asking for excessive experiance based information within a gaming forum is like requesting an explaination of aspartame production at the chewing gum factory in a HPLC discussion group. Sure they are related. No, not really.lastly, for someone who used dialup back in '98 or 16 years ago, you should of had much thicker skin. Nexus has this trouble almost every time there is a sale for Skyrim.
Nexus Download Slow
A bunch of new people buy the game (or they get the DLC that they are missing) and run to Nexus for the Unofficial patches, ENB settings and a ton of other mods. The influx of people is just to big for the Nexus servers to handle. So download grinds to a few kb/sec.Also, Nexus has had troubles in the past with hackers that tried to shut the servers down by overloading it (there is a technical term for this but i keep forgetting it). The team has come up with solutions but maybe they are having a new hit on the servers. That would also trouble the legit users.If you keep having trouble downloading stuff, you could wait for a few days and try again. Buy piano online india. Hope this helps a bit in explaining stuff.