Cara Mirror Di Photoshop

When working with Photoshop, you generally create several images for various purposes. Apart from different image types, the Adobe Photoshop also allows you to create PDF files. When the images are saved as PDF files, they are easy to transfer online, provide decent display effects, and are easy to manage.

  1. Cara Mirror Dengan Photoshop
  2. Cara Mirror Di Photoshop Cc
  3. How To Create A Mirror In Photoshop

Cara Mirror Dengan Photoshop

Also, Adobe Photoshop allows you to save the images as PNG files that are mostly used for the webpages. The PNG images can be easily integrated into the webpages, and the webpages are then uploaded to the web server for the end-users.Many times the PNG images are used to prepare logos and stylish names for the organizations as well. When this is the case, you, as Adobe Photoshop designer, might require to save such PNG images of logos and stylish names without any background.When you normally save the images that have transparent background in Adobe Photoshop, the images automatically add a white background before they are saved as PNG or JPEG files.

This way, the images no longer remain with transparent background, and hence they are completely unusable as logos stylish names.This tutorial will guide you step-by-step as how you can save such PNG images with the transparent background.Here’s what you need to do:■Log on to the computer using any account.■Initialize Adobe Photoshop by double-clicking its icon.■Once opened, create or import the desired image.■Ensure that the background layer is set to transparent.■Once you are done with the image creation process, flatten the image by going to Layer Flatten Image.

Photoshop Photo Effects: The final 'mirror image' effect. Step 1: Create A New Blank DocumentRatherthan working directly on the photo itself, let's start things off bycreating a new blank document. This will allow us to create our effectat any size we need rather than trying to work within the dimensions ofthe photo itself. Go up to the File menu at the top of the screen and choose New, or simply press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+N (Win) / Command+N (Mac). Either way brings up Photoshop's New Document dialog box. Enter in the dimensions you need for your effect. For this tutorial, I'm going to enter in a standard size of 6 inches for the Width and 4 inches for the Height, but of course you can enter whatever dimensions you need.

For the Resolution, I'll enter 240 pixels/inch,which should give me professional quality print results if I decide toprint the image later. The most commonly accepted resolution forprofessional print results is 300 pixels/inch, but you'll often findthat you can get away with less than that without any noticeably lossin quality. I typically use 240 pixels/inch with my images. Photoshop Photo Effects: Create a new blank Photoshop document.Click OK when you're done to exit out of the dialog box. A new blank document will appear on your screen. Step 2: Select And Copy The PhotoSwitchover to the document window that contains the photo you're workingwith.

We need to move the photo into our new blank document. There's acouple of ways we can do this, but we'll use the classic 'copy andpaste' method. First, we need to select the entire photo. Go up to the Select menu at the top of the screen and choose All, or press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+A (Win) / Command+A (Mac).

This places a selection outline (also known as 'marching ants') around the entire image in the document window. Photoshop Photo Effects: The photo appears on its own layer above the Background layer.You can close out of the original photo's document window at this point, since we no longer need to have it open. Step 4: Resize And Reposition The Photo Inside The Document If NeededYou'llprobably find that the photo doesn't fit perfectly inside the newdocument. In my case, the photo is too big and part of it is extendingout beyond the document's visible area.

We'll need to resize it, andfor that, we can use Photoshop's Free Transform command. Go up to the Edit menu and choose Free Transform, or press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+T (Win) / Command+T (Mac). Photoshop Photo Effects: Go to View Fit on Screen if your image extends beyond the visible area.TheFit on Screen command zooms the image out far enough so thateverything, including the Free Transform handles, are now visibleinside the document window. To resize the image, hold down your Shiftkey, then click and drag any of the corner handles inward until youhave as much of the image as you need inside the visible area. Holdingdown the Shift key as you drag constrains the aspect ratio of the imageso you don't accidentally distort the shape of it.

In my case, I'mgoing to click on the handle in the bottom right corner and drag itinward until the bottom of the photo lines up with the bottom of thevisible area. Photoshop Photo Effects: Hold Shift and drag any of the corner handles to resize the image.Youcan also move the image as needed to reposition it by clicking anywhereinside the Free Transform box and dragging the image around. Just don'tclick on the small target symbol in the center of the Free Transformbox, otherwise you'll move the target symbol, not the image. Whenyou're done, press Enter (Win) / Return (Mac) to accept the changes and exit out of the Free Transform command.To zoom the image back in so it once again fills up the entire document window, simply choose Fit on Screen View menu just as we did a moment ago. You can also select Actual Pixels from the View menu, which will zoom the image to a full 100%. The keyboard shortcut for Actual Pixels is Ctrl+Alt+0 (Win) / Command+Option+0 (Mac).

Again from theStep 5: Add A Vertical Guide Down The Middle Of The DocumentTocreate our mirror image effect, we first need to move everything thatwe want to 'mirror' over to one side of the document. In my case, Ineed the guy in my photo to be over on the left side. To help me decideexactly how far to the left I need to move him, I'm going to add aguide down the middle of the image. Go up to the View menu at the top of the screen and choose New Guide. Photoshop Photo Effects: A vertical guide has been added down the exact center of the document.Don'tworry about the guide appearing in front of your image.

Cara Mirror Di Photoshop Cc

It's there onlyto help us while working in Photoshop. Guides are known as'non-printing elements', which means they won't print, or appear if yousave the image for the web, even if you forget to remove them whenyou're done.

Step 6: Drag Your Main Subject To One Side Of The DocumentThinkof the guide we just added as the 'flip point' or 'mirror point' forthe effect. In other words, everything that we place on one side of theguide will appear mirrored on the other side of it. Of course, beforewe can mirror anything, we first need to move everything we want tomirror over to one side of the document. Select the Move tool from the top of the Tools palette, or press the letter V to quickly select it with the shortcut. Photoshop Photo Effects: Select the Move tool.Then,with the Move tool selected, click anywhere on the image and drag itleft or right until everything you want to mirror is on one side of theguide. Hold down the Shift key as you drag, whichwill force the image to move only left or right, preventing you fromaccidentally moving it up or down.

How To Create A Mirror In Photoshop

Cara Mirror Di Photoshop

In my case, I'm going to drag theguy in my photo over to the left of the document just to the pointwhere the bottom part of his ear touches the side of his face. This isgoing to be the 'flip point' for my effect. Photoshop Photo Effects: Drag your main subject to one side of the document, using the guide as the 'flip point'.Don'tworry about the solid white area that's now appearing on the side ofthe photo. Everything on that side of the guide will be replaced with amirrored version of what's on the other side in a moment. Step 7: Drag A Selection Around The Side You Want To MirrorSelect the Rectangular Marquee Tool from the top of the Tools palette, or press the letter M to select it with the keyboard shortcut. Photoshop Photo Effects: Select the Rectangular Marquee Tool.Then,with the Rectangular Marquee Tool selected, drag a selection around theentire half of the document that you want to mirror.

In my case, I'mgoing to drag a selection around the left half of the document. You'llfind that your cursor will snap to the guide once you're close enoughto it (as long as you have both the Snap and Snap to Guides options enabled in the Viewmenu at the top of the screen).

When you're done, you should have aselection outline around the entire half of the document that you'regoing to mirror:Photoshop Photo Effects: Drag a selection around whichever side you want to mirror.Step 8: Copy The Selection To A New LayerWith the side that's going to be mirrored now selected, go up to the Layer menu at the top of the screen, choose New, and then choose Layer via Copy. Or press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+J (Win) / Command+J (Mac). Photoshop Photo Effects: The selected half of the document now appears on a new layer in the Layers palette. Step 9: Flip The Left Or Right Side Of The Document HorizontallyTocreate our mirrored image effect, all we need to do at this point isflip the half of the document that's on 'Layer 2' horizontally.

Beforewe do that, though, we need to tell Photoshop that we want to use thevertical center of the document (where the guide is) as the 'flippoint'. To do that, press Ctrl+T (Win) / Command+T (Mac) to quickly bring up Photoshop's Free Transformcommand once again. You'll see the Free Transform box and handlesappear around whichever side of the document you copied to 'Layer 2'.In my case, it's the left side. See that little target symbol in thecenter of the Free Transform box, the one I told you not to click onearlier. Photoshop Photo Effects: The small target symbol in the center of the Free Transform box.Thattarget symbol represents the rotation point for the Free Transformcommand. By default, it's located in the center of the Free Transformbox, but we can move it anywhere we want.

Wherever we move it tobecomes the new rotation point. To tell Photoshop that we want to flipthe image along the guide, simply click on the target symbol and dragit over to the side handle that's sitting directly in the middle of thedocument. Once you get close enough to the handle, the target symbolwill snap to it.

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