Buku Adab Makan Menurut Imam Al Ghazali

Solat Sunat Tarawih adalah satu jenis sembahyang sunat yang dikerjakan semasa Bulan Ramadan.Latar BelakangTarawih menurut asal katanya ialah duduk untuk istirahat setelah mengerjakan sembahyang empat rakaat. Setiap empat rakaat dinamakan tarawih adalah sebagal majaz, kerana adabnya istirahat sesudahnya. Erti Tarawih ialah duduk bersenang-senang atau beristirahat. Photoshop cc 2017 amtlib.dll crack 64bit. Solat Tarawih bererti solat dengan rasa senang dan kelapangan hati selepas solat fardhu Isya'.

  1. Buku Adab Makan Menurut Imam Al Ghazali Books In English

Biasanya jemaah duduk berehat setelah mengerjakan empat rakaat solat Tarawih dan membaca zikir ataupun doa sebelum disambung semula dengan empat rakaat lagi, sehingga ckup 8 ataupun dua puluh rakaat.Tarawih itu disebut juga dengan Qiyamu Ramadan. Sembahyang Tarawih dikerjakan setelah mengerjakan sembahyang Isyak dan waktunya berpanjangan sehingga akhir malam.DalilRasulullah S.A.W. Sangat menggalakkan sembahyang Tarawih. Abu Hurairah berkata; “Rasulullah S.A.W. Sangat menggalakkan sembahyang tarawih sekali pun beliau tidak mewajibkannya.” Beliau bersabda: “Sesiapa yang mengerjakan Qiyamu Ramadan semata-mata kerana iman dan mengharap ganjaran dari Allah, maka diampuni dosa-dosanya yang lampau.” Qiyamu Ramadan ialah menghidupkan malamnya dengan mengerjakan sembahyang.Aisyah r.a. Berkata; “Rasulullah s.a.w mengerjakan sembahyang tarawih di masjid, kemudian ramai sahabat-sahabat yang mengikutnya. Pada malam berikutnya baginda S.A.W.

Mengerjakannya lagi di masjid, sahabat-sahabat yang datang pun semakin ramai. Pada malam ketiga sahabat-sahabat berkumpul di masjd menunggu kedatangan Rasulullah S.A.W. Tetapi beliau tidak hadir. Besok paginya Rasulullah berkata kepada mereka; “Sesungguhnya aku melihat sambutan kamu. Sebenarnya aku tidak datang pada malam itu hanya kerana takut sembahyang itu diwajibkan ke atas kamu.” Dan peristiwa itu terjadi pada bulan Ramadan.

HukumHukum mengerjakan sembahyang tarawih adalah sunat muakkad (sunat yang sangat dituntut) bagi dikerjakan oleh orang-orang Islam lelaki dan perempuan pada tiap-tiap malam bulan Ramadan sama ada secara berseorangan atau berjemaah. Sembahyang tarawikh lebih afdal dikerjakan secara berjemaah di masjid, sebagaimana yang telah dilakukan oleh Rasulullah S.A.W.Menurut Imam Al Ghazali dalam buku Rahsia-Rahsia Solat, walaupun solat terawih boleh dilaksanakan secara sendirian tanpa berjemaah, solat terawih yang dilakukan secara berjemaah lebih afdal, sama seperti pendapat Umar r.a. Yang mengingatkan bahawa sebahagian solat nawafil telah disyariat dalam solat berjemaah.

Solat terawih termasuk solat Tahajjud atau shalatul lail dengan membaca al-Fatihah pada setiap rakaat dan membaca ayat-ayat atau surah daripada al-Quran.Cara Solat TarawihWaktu sembahyang Tarawih ini ialah selepas menunaikan sembahyang Fardhu Isyak sehinggalah ke larut malam. Sembahyang Terawih ditunaikan dengan kumpulan dua rakaat, pada tiap-tiap satu kali takbiratul-ihram kemudiannya dilakukan lagi sehingga genap rakaat yang dikehendaki. Rukun sembahyang sunat Tarawih ini sama sahaja dengan rukun sembahyang yang lain.Solat sunat Tarawih tidak perlu dibuat sebaik sahaja selesai menunaikan solat Isyak.Sebaliknya, pengamal boleh melewatkan menunaikan solat sunat Tarawih mengikut pilihan, kerana solat sunat tarawih boleh dibuat sehingga sebelum solat Subuh. Biasanya di Malaysia, solat Tarawih dimulakan selepas jemaah selesai menunaikan solat sunat dua rakaat selepas solat Isyak. Sembahyang Tarawih dilakukan dengan Imam menyaringkan bacaan seperti mana bacaan semasa solat Subuh.Lafaz Niat Sembahyang Tarawih:Bermaksud: Sahaja aku sembahyang Tarawih dua rakaat makmum kerana Allah Taala.Bilangan RakaatPada zaman Rasulullah S.A.W., sembahyang Tarawih dikerjakan sebanyak 8 rakaat saja supaya tidak menimbulkan sesuatu keberatan. Rasulullah S.A.W.

Juga tidak memberatkan solat ini ditunaikan di masjid kerana tidak mahukan sahabat berfikiran solat ini solat yang wajib. Pada zaman Khalifah Umar bin Al-Khattab pula beliau menambah lagi menjadikan 20 rakaat kerana beliau berpendapat bahawa orang-orang Islam pada zamannya itu tidak keberatan lagi menunaikan sembahyang sebanyak itu.Sembahyang ini juga dibuatkan sebanyak 20 rakaat dan ditambah 3 rakaat sembahyang witir. Pada umumnya masyarakat Islam di Malaysia mendirikan sembahyang Tarawih sebanyak 20 rakaat dengan ditambah dengan 3 rakaat sembahyang witir.Sembahyang tarawikh boleh dibuat sebanyak lapan rakaat, sesuai dengan keterangan Aisyah r.a.: “Rasulullah S.A.W. Tidak pernah mengerjakan sembahyang sunat, bulan Ramadan atau bulan lainnya, lebih dari empat rakaat, kemudian beliau kerjakan lagi empat rakaat (Jangan tanya tentang baik dan panjangnya), kemudian beliau tambah lagi tiga rakaat yakni witir.” Riwayat Imam Al-Bukhari dan Imam Muslim; “Rasulullah mengerjakannya sebelas rakaat, temasuk di dalamnya sembahyang witir.”Di Masjidil Haram di Makkah, sembahyang terawih dilakukan dengan diikuti oleh jemaah yang besar. Kebiasaannya imam membaca satu juzuk al-Quran pada setiap kali tarawih dan menamatkan seluruh al-Quran (30 juzuk) pada malam ke-29 Ramadan.

Kelebihan Sembahyang TarawihDiriwayatkan daripada Abu Hurairah r.a katanya: Saya telah mendengar sabda Rasulullah s.a.w. Mengenai Ramadan: Sesiapa yang mendirikan sembahyang (Tarawih) dalam bulan itu dengan penuh keimanan dan mengharapkan keredaan Allah, akan diampunkan segala dosa yang dilakukannya sebelum itu. Diriwayatkan dari Umar bin Khaththab r.a.

Telah bersabda Rasulullahsaw: Apabila malam sudah tiba dari arah sini dan siang telah pergidari arah sini, sedang matahari sudah terbenam, maka orang yang puasa boleh berbuka.(H.R.: Al-Bukhary dan Muslim)Diriwayatkan dari Sahal bin Saad: Sesungguhnya Nabi s.a.w. Telahbersabda: Manusia (ummat Islam) masih dalam keadaan baik selama mentakjilkan (menyegerakan) berbuka. ( H.R.: Al-Bukhary dan Muslim)Diriwayatakan dari Anas r.a., ia berkata: Rasulullah s.a.w. Berbuka dengan makan beberapa ruthaab (kurma basah) sebelum solat, kalau tidak ada maka dengan kurma kering, kalau tidak ada maka dengan meneguk air beberapa teguk. (H.R.: Abu Daud dan Al-Hakiem)Diriwayatkan dari Salman bin Amir, bahwa sesungguhnya Nabi saw.telah bersabda: Apabila salah seorang diantara kamu puasa hendaklah berbuka dengan kurma, bila tidak ada kurma hendaklah dengan air, sesungguhnya air itu bersih. ( H.R: Ahmad dan At-Tirmidzi)Diriwayatkan dari Ibnu Umar: Adalah Nabi saw. Selesai berbuka Beliau berdo'a (artinya) telah pergi rasa haus dan menjadi basah semua urat-urat dan pahala tetap ada Insya Allah.

( H.R: Ad-Daaruquthni dan Abu Daud hadits hasan)Diriwayatkan dari Anas, ia berkata: Telah bersabda Rasulullah saw: Apabila makan malam telah disediakan, maka mulailah makan sebelum shalat Maghrib, janganlah mendahulukan shalat daripada makan malam itu ( yang sudah terhidang ). ( H.R: Al-Bukhary dan Muslim )Diriwayatkan dari Anas bin Malik ra: Sesungguhnya Rasulullah saw.telah bersabda: Makan sahurlah kalian karena sesungguhnya makan sahur itu berkah. (H.R: Al-Bukhary )Diriwayatkan dari Al-Miqdam bin Ma'di Yaqrib, dari Nabi saw.bersabda: Hendaklah kamu semua makan sahur, karena sahur adalah makanan yang penuh berkah.

Imam ghazali pdf

( H.R: An-Nasa'i )Diriwayatkan dari Zaid bin Tsabit t berkata: Kami bersahur bersama Rasulullah saw. Kemudian kami bangkit untuk menunaikan shalat (Shubuh ). Saya berkata: Berapa saat jarak antara keduanya ( antara waktu sahur dan waktu Shubuh )? Ia berkata: Selama orang membaca lima puluh ayat. ( H.R: Al-Bukhary dan Muslim )Diriwayatkan dari Amru bin Maimun, ia berkata: Adalah para sahabat Muhammad saw.

Adalah orang yang paling menyegerakan berbuka dan melambatkan makan sahur. ( H.R: Al-Baihaqi )Telah bersabda Rasulullah saw: Apabila salah seorang di antara kamu mendengar adzan dan piring masih di tangannya janganlah diletakkan hendaklah ia menyelesaikan hajatnya ( makan/minum sahur ) daripadanya. (H.R: Ahmad dan Abu Daud dan Al-Hakiem )Diriwayatkan dari Abu Usamah ra. Ia berkata: Shalat telah di'iqamahkan, sedang segelas minuman masih di tangan Umar ra.

Beliau bertanya: Apakah ini boleh saya minum wahai Rasulullah? Beliau r.a menjawab: ya, lalu ia meminumnya. ( H.R Ibnu Jarir )Diriwayatkan dari Ibnu Abbas ra. Ia berkata: Adalah Rasulullah saw. Orang yang paling dermawan dan beliau lebih dermawan lagi pada bulan Ramadhan ketika Jibril menemuinya, dan Jibril menemuinya pada setiap malam pada bulan Ramadhan untuk mentadaruskan beliau saw.

Al-qur'andan benar-benar Rasulullah saw. Lebih dermawan tentang kebajikan (cepat berbuat kebaikan ) daripada angin yang dikirim.(HR Al-Bukhary )Diriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah, ia berkata: Adalah Rasulullah saw. Menggalakkan qiyamullail (shalat malam ) di bulan Ramadhan tanpa memerintahkan secara wajib, maka beliau bersabda: Barang siapa yangshalat malam di bulan Ramadhan karena beriman dan mengharapkan pahala dari Allah, maka diampuni baginya dosanya yang telah lalu.

(H.R: Jama'ah )Diriwayatkan dari Aisyah ra. Sesungguhnya Nabi saw. Apabila memasuki sepuluh hari terakhir ( bulan Ramadhan ) beliau benar-benar menghidupkan malam (untuk beribadah ) dan membangunkan istrinya (agar beribadah ) dengan mengencangkan ikatan sarungnya (tidak mengumpuli istrinya ).( H.R: Al-Bukhary dan Muslim )Diriwayatkan dari Aisyah, ia berkata: Adalah Nabi saw. Bersungguh-sungguh shalat malam pada sepuluh hari terakhir ( di bulanRamadhan ) tidak seperti kesungguhannya dalam bulan selainnya.

(H.R: Muslim )Diriwayatkan dari Abu salamah din Abdur Rahman, sesungguhnya iatelah bertanya kepada Aisyah ra: Bagaimana shalat malamnya Rasulullah saw di bulan Ramadhan? Maka ia menjawab: Rasulullah saw tidak pernah shalat malam lebih dari sebelas raka'at baik di bulan Ramadhan maupun di bulan lainnya, caranya: Beliau shalat empat raka'at jangan tanya baik dan panjangnya, kemudian shalat lagi empat raka'at jangan ditanya baik dan panjangnya, kemudian shalat tiga rakaat. ( H.R: Al-Bukhary,Muslim dan lainnya )Diriwayatkan dari Aisyah ra. Ia berkata: Adalah Rasulullah saw. Apabila bangun shalat malam, beliau membuka dengan shalat dua raka'at yang ringan, kemudian shalat delapan raka'at, kemudian shalat witir. ( H.R: Muslim )Diriwayatkan dari Ibnu Umar ia berkata: Ada seorang laki-laki berdiri lalu ia berkata: Wahai Rasulullah bagaimana cara shalat malam?

Maka Rasulullah r. Menjawab: Shalat malam itu dua raka'atdua raka'at. Apabila kamu khawatir masuk shalat Shubuh, maka berwitirlah satu raka'at. ( H.R: Jama'ah )Dari Aisyah ra. Ia berkata: Sesungguhnya Nabi saw shalat di masjid, lalu para sahabat shalat sesuai dengan shalat beliau ( bermakmum dibelakang ), lalu beliau shalat pada malam kedua dan para sahabat bermakmum dibelakangnya bertambah banyak, kemudian pada malam yang ketiga atau yang keempat mereka berkumpul, maka Rasulullah saw tidak keluar mengimami mereka. Setelah pagi hari beliau bersabda: Saya telah tahu apa yang kalian perbuat, tidak ada yang menghalangi aku untuk keluar kepada kalian ( untuk mengimami shalat ) melainkan aku khawatir shalat malam ini difardhukan atas kalian. Ini terjadi pada bulan Ramadhan.

(H.R: Al-Bukhary dan Muslim )Dari Ubay bin Ka'ab t. Ia berkata: Adalah Rasulullah saw. Shalat witir dengan membaca: Sabihisma Rabbikal A'la ) dan ( Qul ya ayyuhalkafirun) dan (Qulhu wallahu ahad ).

( H.R: Ahmad, Abu Daud,Annasa'i dan Ibnu Majah )Diriwayatkan dari Hasan bin Ali t. Ia berkata: Rasulullah saw. Telah mengajarkan kepadaku beberapa kata yang aku baca dalam qunut witir: ( artinya ) Ya Allah berilah aku petunjuk beserta orang-orang yang telah engkau beri petunjuk, berilah aku kesehatan yang sempurna beserta orang yang telah engkau beri kesehatan yang sempurna, pimpinlah aku beserta orang yang telah Engkau pimpin, Berkatilah untukku apa yang telah Engkau berikan, peliharalah aku dari apa yang telah Engkau tentukan.

Maka sesungguhnya Engkaulah yang memutuskan dan tiada yang dapat memutuskan atas Engkau, bahwa tidak akan hina siapa saja yang telah Engkau pimpin dan tidak akan mulia siapa saja yang Engkau musuhi. Maha agung Engkau wahai Rabb kami dan Maha Tinggi Engkau. ( H.R: Ahmad, Abu Daud, Annasa'i, At-Tirmidzi dan Ibnu Majah )Dari Abu Hurairah ra. Bahwa Nabi saw. Bersabda: Barang siapa yang shalat malam menepati lailatul qadar, maka diampuni dosanya yang telah lalu. ( H.R: Jama'ah )Diriwayatkan dari Aisyah ra.

Sesungguhnya Rasulullah saw. Telah bersabda: berusahalah untuk mencari lailatul qadar pada sepuluh malam terakhir. (H.R: Muslim )Diriwayatkan dari Ibnu Umar ra.

Ia berkata: Dinampakkan dalam mimpi seorang laki-laki bahwa lailatul qadar pada malam kedua puluh tujuh, maka Rasulullah saw. Bersabda: Sayapun bermimpi seperti mimpimu, (ditampakkan pada sepuluh malam terakhir, maka carilah ia ( lailatulqadar ) pada malam-malam ganjil. ( H.R: Muslim )Diriwayatkan dari Aisyah ra.

Buku Adab Makan Menurut Imam Al Ghazali Books In English

Ia berkata: Saya berkata kepada Rasulullah saw. Ya Rasulullah, bagaimana pendapat tuan bila saya mengetahui lailatul qadar,apa yang saya harus baca pada malam itu?Beliau bersabda: Bacalah ( artinya ) Yaa Allah sesungguhnya Engkau maha pemberi ampun, Engkau suka kepada keampunan maka ampunilah daku. (H.R: At-Tirmidzi dan Ahmad )Diriwayatkan dari Aisyah ra.

Ia berkata: Adalah Rasulullah saw mengamalkan i'tikaf pada sepuluh hari terakhir pada bulan Ramadhan sampai beliau diwafatkan oleh Allah Azza wa Jalla. ( H.R: Al-Bukhary dan Muslim )Diriwayatkan dari Aisyah ra. Ia berkata: Adalah Rasulullah saw. Apabila hendak beri'tikaf, beliau shalat shubuh kemudian memasukit empat i'tikafnya. ( H.R:Jama'ah kecuali At-Tirmidzi )Diriwayatkan dari Aisyah ra. Ia berkata: Adalah Rasulullah saw.apabila beri'tikaf, beliau mendekatkan kepalanya kepadaku, maka aku menyisirnya, dan adalah beliau tidak masuk ke rumah kecuali karena untuk memenuhi hajat manusia ( buang air, mandi dll.

) ( H.R: Al-Bukhary dan Muslim ) Allah ta'ala berfirman: ( artinya ) Janganlah kalian mencampuri mereka( istri-istri kalian ) sedang kalian dalam keadaan i'tikafdalam masjid. Itulah batas-batas ketentuan Allah, maka jangan didekati. ( Al- aqarah: 187 )Diriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah ra.

Ia berkata: Telah bersabda Rasulullah saw: Setiap amal anak bani Adam adalah untuknya kecuali puasa, ia adalah untukku dan aku yang memberikan pahala dengannya. Dan sesungguhnya puasa itu adalah benteng pertahanan, pada hari ketika kamu puasa janganlah berbuat keji, jangan berteriak-teriak (pertengkaran ), apabila seorang memakinya sedang ia puasa maka hendaklah ia katakan:' sesungguhnya saya sedang puasa'. Demi jiwa Muhammad yang ada ditanganNya sungguh bau busuknya mulut orang yang sedang puasa itu lebih wangi disisi Allah pada hari kiamat daripada kasturi. Dan bagi orang yang puasa ada dua kegembiraan, apabila ia berbuka ia gembira dengan bukanya dan apabila ia berjumpa dengan Rabbnya ia gembira karena puasanya. ( H.R: Al-Bukhary dan Muslim)Diriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah ia berkata: Sesungguhnya Nabi saw.telah bersabda: Barang siapa yang tidak meninggalkan perkataan bohong dan amalan kebohongan, maka tidak ada bagi Allah hajat (untuk menerima ) dalam hal ia meninggalkan makan dan minumnya. (H.R: Jama'ah Kecuali Muslim ) Maksudnya Allah tidak merasa perlu memberi pahala puasanya.Bahwa sesungguhnya Nabi saw. Bersabda kepada seorang wanita Anshar yang sering di panggil Ummu Sinan: Apa yang menghalangimu untuk melakukan haji bersama kami?

Ia menjawab: Keledai yang ada pada kami yang satu dipakai oleh ayahnya si fulan (suaminya ) untuk berhaji bersama anaknya sedang yang lain di pakai untuk memberi minum anak-anak kami. Nabi pun bersabda lagi: Umrah di bulan Ramadhan sama dengan mengerjakan haji atau haji bersamaku. ( H.R:Muslim)Rasulullah sw. Bersabda: Apabila datang bulan Ramadhan kerjakanlah umrah karena umrah di dalamnya (bulan Ramadhan ) setingkat dengan haji. ( H.R: Muslim)KESIMPULANAyat dan hadits-hadits tersebut di atas memberi pelajaran kepada kita bahwa dalam mengamalkan puasa Ramadhan kita perlu melaksanakan adab-adab sbb:Berbuka apabila sudah masuk waktu Maghrib. ( dalil: 6 )Sunnah berbuka adalah sbb:Disegerakan yakni sebelum melaksanakan shalat Maghrib dengan makanan yang ringan seperti kurma, air saja, setelah itu baru melaksanakan shalat. ( dalil: 2,3 dan 4 )Tetapi apabila makan malam sudah dihidangkan, maka terus dimakan, jangan shalat dahulu.

( dalil: 6 )Setelah berbuka berdo'a dengan do'a sbb: Artinya: Telah hilangrasa haus, dan menjadi basah semua urat-urat dan pahala tetap wujudinsya Allah. ( dalil: 5 )Makan sahur. ( dalil: 7 dan 8 )Adab-adab sahur: Dilambatkan sampai akhir malam mendekati Shubuh. (dalil 9 dan 10 )Apabila pada tengah makan atau minum sahur lalu mendengar adzanShubuh, maka sahur boleh diteruskan sampai selesai, tidak perlu dihentikan di tengah sahur karena sudah masuk waktu Shubuh. ( dalil11 dan 12 )Imsak tidak ada sunnahnya dan tidak pernah diamalkan pada zaman sahabat maupun tabi'in. Lebih bersifat dermawan (banyak memberi, banyak bershadaqah, banyak menolong) dan banyak membaca al-qur'an ( dalil: 13 )Menegakkan shalat malam / shalat Tarawih dengan berjama'ah.

Dan shalat Tarawih ini lebih digiatkan lagi pada sepuluh malam terakhir(20 hb. Sampai akhir Ramadhan). (dalil: 14,15 dan 16 )Cara shalatTarawih adalah:Dengan berjama'ah. ( dalil: 19 )Tidak lebih dari sebelas raka'at yakni salam tiap dua raka'at dikerjakan empat kali, atau salam tiap empat raka'at dikerjakan dua kali dan ditutup dengan witir tiga raka'at.

( dalil: 17 )Dibuka dengan dua raka'at yang ringan. ( dalil: 18 )Bacaan dalam witir: Raka'at pertama: Sabihisma Rabbika.

Roka'tkedua: Qul yaa ayyuhal kafirun. Raka'at ketiga: Qulhuwallahu ahad.( dalil: 21 )Membaca do'a qunut dalam shalat witir. ( dalil 22 )Berusaha menepati lailatul qadar pada sepuluh malam terakhir,terutama pada malam-malam ganjil. Bila dirasakan menepati lailatulqadar hendaklah lebih giat beribadah dan membaca: Yaa AllahEngkaulah pengampun, suka kepada keampunan maka ampunilah aku. (dalil: 25 dan 26 )Mengerjakan i'tikaf pada sepuluh malam terakhir.

(dalil: 27 )Cara i'tikaf:Setelah shalat Shubuh lalu masuk ke tempat i'tikaf di masjid. (dalil 28 )Tidak keluar dari tempat i'tikaf kecuali ada keperluan yangmendesak. ( dalil: 29 )Tidak mencampuri istri dimasa i'tikaf. ( dalil: 30)Mengerjakan umrah. ( dalil: 33 dan 34 )Menjauhi perkataan dan perbuatan keji dan menjauhi pertengkaran.(dalil: 31 dan 32 ). Pengertian PuasaPuasa ertinya menahan diri dari makan dan minum dan dari segala perbuatan yang boleh membatalkan puasa, mulai terbit fajar hinggalah terbenam matahari.Puasa WajibPuasa bulan Ramadan, puasa kifarat dan puasa nazarPuasa Sunat1.

Puasa enam hari pada bulan Syawal2. Puasa hari Arafah3. Puasa hari Asyura pada 10 Muharam4.

Puasa bulan Syaaban5. Puasa Isnin dan Khamis6.

Puasa tengah bulan iaitu 13, 14, 15 pada tiap-tiap bulan qamaria (tahun Hijrah)Puasa Makruh1. Puasa yang terus menerus sepanjang masa2.

Tidak termasuk dua hari raya dan hari tasyriqPuasa Haram1. Puasa pada hari raya pertama Idil Fitri2. Puasa pada hari raya pertama Haji3. Puasa tiga hari sesudah hari raya haji atau hari tasyriq iaitu pada 11, 12 dan 13 ZulhijjahSyarat Wajib Puasa1. Akhir Baligh (Cukup Umur)3.

Kuat atau mampu mengerjakan puasaSyarat Sah Puasa1. Mumayyiz ( dapat membezakan yang baik dan buruk3. Suci daripada haid dan nifas4. Dalam waktu yang dibolehkan berpuasaRukun Puasa1. Berniat - Pada malam selama bulan Ramadan hendaklan berniat di dalam hati bahawa kita akan mengerjakan puasa pada hari esok2. Menahan diri daripada segala yang membatalkan semenjak terbit fajar sampai terbenam matahari.

Perkara Yang Membatalkan Puasa1. Makan dan minum dengan sengaja2.

Muntah dengan sengaja3. Bersetubuh tanpa keluar mani pada siang hari bulan Ramadan4. Keluar darah haid atau nifas5.

Keluar mani akibat bersetubuh dengan perempuan. Tetapi keluar mani kerana bermimpi tidak membatalkan puasaOrang Yang Diizinkan Berbuka Atau Tidak Berpuasa1. Orang yang sakit2. Orang yang dalam perjalanan jarak jauh melebihi 52 batu atau 80.64 KM3.

Orang tua yang sudah lemah4. Orang yang hamil dan orang yang menyusukan anak. Mahathir bin Mohamad (b. December 20, 1925) is the former Prime Minister of Malaysia. He held the post from 1981 to 2003.

During his term in office he was credited for engineering Malaysia's rapid modernization and promoting 'Asian values'. He is also known for his sharp criticisms of foreign powers. He has also been criticised for being antisemitic.EARLY LIFEBorn in Alor Star, the capital of the northern state of Kedah, Mahathir said in his autobiography that he had Indian ancestry (from his father), with its origins tracing back to Kerala in India, while his mother was a Kedah-born Malay. Mahathir, however, considers himself to be a 'full Malay', in line with Article 160 of the Constitution. Under Article 153 of the Constitution, Malays are granted particular rights not available to other citizens.During World War II, he sold pisang goreng (banana fritters) to supplement his family income in the Japanese occupation of Malaya.Mahathir first attended a Malay vernacular school before continuing his education at the Sultan Abdul Hamid College in Alor Star. Mahathir then attended the King Edward VII Medical College in Singapore, where he edited a medical student magazine called The Cauldron; he also contributed to the The Straits Times newspaper anonymously under the nickname 'Che Det'. Mahathir was also President of the Muslim Society in the college.1 In 1953, Mahathir entered the then Malayan government service as a medical officer upon graduation.

He married Dr. Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali—a former classmate in college—on August 5, 1956, and left the government service in 1957 to set up his own practice in Alor Star. Mahathir's practice thrived, allowing him to own by 1959 a Pontiac Catalina and a Chinese chauffeur (at the time most chauffeurs were Malay, owing to Chinese economic dominance citation needed). Some critics have suggested this foreshadowed a later hallmark of Mahathir's politics, which focused on the 'cultivation of such emblems of power'.2Active in politics since 1945, beginning with his involvement in the Anti-Malayan Union Campaign, Mahathir joined the United Malays National Organization (UMNO) upon its inception in 1946.

As State Party Chairman, and Chairman of the Political Committee, he inadvertently angered some quarters with his proposal that the selection of candidates be based on certain qualifications for the 1959 general election. Hurt by accusations that he was scheming to put up candidates who were strongly allied to him, Mahathir refused to take part in the national election that year.In the third general election of 1964, Mahathir was elected Member of Parliament for Kota Setar Selatan3 defeating the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party's (PAS) candidate with a 60.2% majority.

He lost the seat in the following general election in 1969 by a mere 989 votes to PAS's candidate, Haji Yusoff Rawa4 after he categorically declared that he did not need Chinese votes to win.5Following the race riots of May 13, 1969 in the May 13 Incident, Mahathir was sacked from the UMNO Supreme Council on 12 July, following his widespread distribution to the public of his letter to Tunku Abdul Rahman, the then Prime Minister. In his letter, he had criticised the manner in which the Tunku had handled the country's administration. Mahathir was subsequently relieved of his party membership on 26 September.4While in the political wilderness, Mahathir wrote his book, 'The Malay Dilemma'4 in which he sought to explain the causes of the May 13 Incident in Kuala Lumpur and the reasons for the Malays' lack of economic progress within their own country. He then proposed a politico-economic solution in the form of 'constructive protection', worked out after careful consideration of the effects of heredity and environmental factors on the Malay race. The book, published in 1970, was promptly banned by the Tunku Abdul Rahman government.4 However, some of the proposals in this book had been used by Tun Abdul Razak, the second Prime Minister, in his 'New Economic Policy' (N.E.P.) that was principally geared towards affirmative action economic programs to address the nation's economic disparity between the Malays and the non-Malays.

The ban on his book was eventually lifted after Mahathir became Prime Minister in 1981.4Mahathir rejoined UMNO on 7 March 1972, and was appointed as Senator in 1973. He relinquished the senatorship post in 1974 in order to contest in the general elections where he was returned unopposed in the constituency of Kubang Pasu, and was appointed as the Minister of Education.4 In 1975, he became one of the three vice-presidents of U.M.N.O., after winning the seat by 47 votes. Tun Hussein Onn appointed Mahathir as Deputy Prime Minister on 15 September 1978, and in a Cabinet reshuffle, appointed him concurrently as the Minister of Trade and Industry.Mahathir became the Prime Minister of Malaysia on 10 July 1981 when Tun Hussein Onn stepped down due to health reasons. After 22 years in office, Mahathir retired on October 31, 2003, making him one of Asia's longest-serving political leaders. Tun Hussein bin Dato' Onn (February 12, 1922—May 29, 1990) who is of 3/4 Malay and 1/4 Turkish (of Circassians extraction) ancestry was the third Prime Minister of Malaysia, ruling from 1976 to 1981. He was granted the soubriquet Bapa Perpaduan (Father of Unity).

He was born in Johor Bahru, Johor on February 12, 1922 to Dato Onn Jaafar and Datin Halimah Hussein.EARLY LIFETun Hussein received his early education in Singapore and at the English College in Johor Bahru. After leaving school, he joined the Johor Military Forces as a cadet in 1940 and was sent a year later to the Indian Military Academy in Dehradun, India. Upon completion of his training, he was absorbed into the Indian Army and served in the Middle East when the Second World War broke. After the war, his vast experience prompted the British to employ him as an instructor at the Malayan Police Recruiting and Training Centre in Rawalpindi.Tun Hussein came back to Malaysia in 1945 and was appointed Commandant of the Johor Bahru Police Depot. The following year he joined the Malaya Civil Service as an assistant administrative officer in Segamat, Johor. He was later posted to the state of Selangor, becoming Klang and Kuala Selangor’s district officer.ENTERING POLITICSTun Hussein, who came from a family with deep nationalistic spirit and political roots, resigned from the civil service to go into politics.

In 1949, he became the first youth chief of UMNO (United Malays National Organization), a party his father helped established. In 1950, he was elected the UMNO secretary general.

Tun Hussein however left UMNO in 1951 to join his father in forming the Independence of Malaya Party (IMP).With IMP losing momentum, Tun Hussein went to London to study law at Lincoln's Inn, qualifying as a Barrister-at-Law. He came back as a certified lawyer and practiced in Kuala Lumpur.RISE TO POWERTun Hussein returned to politics in 1968 after being persuaded by the then Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak to rejoin UMNO. He stood and won the general elections in 1969 and was appointed as the education minister. Tun Hussein’s meteoric rise continued when on August 13, 1973 he succeeded the late Tun Dr Ismail as the Deputy Prime Minister. On January 15, 1976 he was appointed as Prime Minister of Malaysia after the death of Tun Razak. 1Tun Hussein was renowned for stressing on the issue of unity through policies aimed at rectifying economic imbalances between the communities.

For instance, April 20, 1981 saw the National Unit Trust Scheme being launched. He also gave serious consideration to the concept of Rukun Tetangga (a neighbourhood watch scheme) and the fight against the drug menace.Tun Hussein, who was married to Toh Puan Suhaila Tan Sri Haji Mohd Noah, for 42 years underwent a coronary bypass in early 1981. On July 17 the same year, he retired from active politics and relinquished his prime minister post due to what was officially stated to be health concerns. He was succeeded by Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.POST-RETIREMENTAfter his retirement as Prime Minister he continued to contribute to welfare organizations.

He was instrumental in the setting up of the Tun Hussein Onn Eye Hospital. He was also an advisor to Petronas the country’s oil company and Chairman of Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS).During the 1987 UMNO leadership crisis, Tun Hussein fell out with Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, supporting Team B along with Tunku Abdul Rahman. Tun Hussein along with the Tunku, henceforth, became a strident critic of the Mahathir administration and died without having rejoined UMNO.He died on the 29th of May 1990 in San Francisco, at the age of 68. He had two sons and four daughters. He is buried in Makam Pahlawan (Heroes Mausoleum) near Masjid Negara, Kuala Lumpur.Tun Hussein Onn was looked upon as being very sincere in his struggle for racial unity and had a reputation of being firm against anyone that tried to create racial unrest in the country and it was due to this, that he was known as 'Father of Unity'.Hussein's son, Dato' Seri Hishammuddin Bin Tun Hussein, became the Education Minister of Malaysia on March 30, 2004.On the 17 September 2005, Hussein Onn's eldest daughter Datin Roqiyah Hanim, died at the age of 56 from breast cancer in Kuala Lumpur.

Tun Abdul Razak bin Haji Dato' Hussein Al-Haj (March 11, 1922-January 14, 1976) was the second Prime Minister of Malaysia, ruling from 1970 to 1976. Born in Pulau Keladi, Pahang on March 11, 1922, Tun Razak is the only child to Dato' Hussein bin Mohd Taib and Hajah Teh Fatimah bt Daud.Of aristocratic descent, Abdul Razak studied at the Malay College Kuala Kangsar. After joining the Malay Administrative Service in 1939, he was awarded a scholarship to study at Raffles College in Singapore in 1940. His studies at the college ceased with the onset of the Second World War.

During the war he helped organize the Wataniah resistance movement in PahangAfter the Second World War, Tun Razak left for Britain in 1947 to study law. In 1950 he received a law degree and qualified as barrister at Lincoln's Inn in London.

During his student days in England, Tun Razak was a member of the British Labour Party and a prominent student leader of the Kesatuan Melayu Great Britain (Malay Association of Great Britain). He also formed the Malayan Forum, an organisation for Malayan students to discuss their country's political issues.Upon his return, Tun Razak joined the Malayan Civil Service. Owing to his political caliber, he became the youth chief for United Malays National Organisation (UMNO).

Two years later, he worked as the Assistant State Secretary of Pahang and in February 1955, at just 33 years of age, became Pahang's Chief Minister. He stood in and won the country's first general elections in July 1955 and was appointed as the Education Minister. Tun Razak was also a member of the February 1956 mission to London to seek the independence of Malaya from the British.After the general elections in 1959, he became the Minister of Rural Development in addition to holding the portfolios of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence.

His achievements include formulating the development policy known as the Red Book. On September 1970, Tun Razak succeeded Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra as the Prime Minister of Malaysia.After the May 13 Incident in 1969, his faction in UMNO overthrew Tunku Abdul Rahman and imposed a State of Emergency, ruling by decree until 1970. On September 1970, Tun Razak succeeded Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra as the Prime Minister of Malaysia.Tun Razak is also renowned for launching the Malaysian New Economic Policy (MNEP) in 1971. He and the 'second generation' of Malay politicians saw the need to tackle vigorously the economic and social disparities which fuelled racial antagonism. The MNEP set two basics goals - to reduce and eventually eradicate poverty, and to reduce and eventually eradicate identification of economic function with race.Tun Razak set up the National Front on January 1, 1973 to replace the ruling Alliance Party.

He increased the membership of its parties and coalitions in an effort to establish 'Ketahanan Nasional' (National Strength) through political stability.Due in part to leukemia, Abdul Razak died on January 14, 1976 while seeking medical treatment in London. He was posthumously granted the soubriquet Bapa Pembangunan (Father of Development).

He is laid to rest in Heroes Mausoleum near Masjid Negara, Kuala Lumpur.FAMILYTun Abdul Razak was descended from a long line of Pahang chieftains of Bugis descent. He was the brother in law of Tun Hussein Onn, his successor as Prime Minister.Abdul Razak's eldest son, Najib Tun Razak, became the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia under Abdullah Badawi in 2004. He has four other sons, Datuk Ahmad Johari Razak, Mohamed Nizam, Mohamed Nazim and Mohamed Nazir.

Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj ibni Almarhum Sultan Abdul Hamid Halim Shah,(February 8, 1903 – December 6, 1990) usually known as 'the Tunku' (a princely title in Malaysia), and also called Bapa Kemerdekaan (Father of Independence) or Bapa Malaysia (Father of Malaysia), was Chief Minister of the Federation of Malaya from 1955, and the country's first Prime Minister from independence in 1957. He remained Prime Minister after Sabah, Sarawak, and Singapore joined in 1963 to form Malaysia.BIRTHBorn in Istana Pelamin, Alor Star, Kedah, Abdul Rahman was the fourteenth son and twentieth child of Sultan Abdul Hamid Halim Shah, the twenty-fourth Sultan of Kedah. His mother, Cik Menjalara, was the Sultan's sixth wife and the daughter of Siamese nobleman, Luang Naraborirak (Kleb), a Thai district officer during the reign of King Rama V of Thailand.Of all the Prime Ministers, Tunku had the most interesting story of birth. In 1902, the Keeper of the Ruler’s Seal was exposed as a man who had misused the trust placed in him and had sold state land for his own gain.

Punishment lay with the Sultan, who ordered death for the Keeper, and decreed that the right thumb of the Keeper’s wife as well as those of his children should be chopped off as a taint they would carry on for the rest of their lives.The Keeper’s wife rushed to Menjalara, then known to be the Sultan’s favourite and implored her intervention. Menjalara, following her maternal instincts, agreed to intercede. She had an audience with her husband, the Sultan and told him that she was pregnant again, but feared her child might be seriously affected if the punishment on the Keeper and his family were to be carried out.Menjalara was a subtly a clever woman.

There is a Malay superstition that a husband should do nothing evil during the period of his wife’s pregnancy, otherwise a dark spirit would enter the child in the womb.Sultan Abdul Hamid was so elated at the news that his favourite wife was presenting him with another child, and so anxious that nothing unfortunate should happen that he ordered the Keeper to prison instead and cancelled the punishment on his family.The truth, however, was that Menjalara was not pregnant at that time. But she conceived soon afterwards, and the child born was Abdul Rahman who delights to say when he was alive that he was “born under a lie”.EARLY LIFEAs a child, he liked nothing better than to play with the children in the kampungs, beyond the istana (palace) in which he was reared – an istana built by a Chinese contractor in the style of a pagoda with fire-snorting dragons climbing around the walls in tiled fantasies. The istana no longer stands as it was razed by fire and on its foundations rose the State Council chamber which marked a new era in the history of Kedah.Abdul Rahman began his education in 1909 at a Malay Primary School, Jalan Baharu, in Alor Star and was later transferred to the Government English School, now the Sultan Abdul Hamid College, Alor Star, where he studied during the day and read the Qur'an in the afternoon.When he first went to school in Alor Star, Kedah, little Tunku screamed against what he considered was the indignity of being carried to and fro by a Court retainer. Royalty was autocratic those days and little princes were not suppose to dirty their feet, hence they were carried everywhere. The Tunku rejoiced the day he didn’t have to be carried to school.Two years later in 1911, when he was eight, he was sent to study at Debsirin School in Bangkok along with his three brothers. In 1915, he returned and continued his studies at Penang Free School.In 1918, Abdul Rahman was awarded a Kedah State Scholarship to further his studies at St Catharine's College in the University of Cambridge, where he obtained his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1925.

He was the first student from Kedah to study in the United Kingdom under the sponsorship of the Kedah State Government.Prior to joining St Catherine's, he was being coached in the little village of Little Stukeley in Huntington, England for entry to a public schoolUpon his return home, Abdul Rahman worked in the Kedah public service and was appointed as District Officer of Kulim and Sungai Petani. In colonial Malaya, almost all the District Officers were British. Abdul Rahman who was the only Malay District Officer at that time had the people's interest at heart. This made him cross paths with the British Administration many times.However, the British Administration in Kedah could not do anything as he was a prince and the son of the Sultan. However, him angering the colonial administration cost him many chances of promotion to higher offices.Some time later he returned to England to complete his law studies at the Inner Temple, but was forced to stop in 1938 and, on the outbreak of World War II, he returned to Malaya.During the Japanese Occupation of Kedah, the Tunku was reponsible for saving many people's lives, both Malay and Chinese. Him being of royal blood, was highly revered by the Japanese and cannot be touched by them. He used this to his advantage.

Many people from Kulim today lay claim to owing their lives to the Tunku.He resumed his studies at the Inner Temple in 1947 and, in 1949, he qualified for the Bar. During this period Abdul Rahman met Abdul Razak Hussein (later known as Datuk and Tun). He was elected president of the Malay Society of Great Britain, and Abdul Razak, who was twenty-six, was his secretary.EARLY POLITICAL CAREERAfter his return to Malaya in 1949, Abdul Rahman was first posted at the Legal Officer's office in Alor Star. He later asked to be transferred to Kuala Lumpur, where he became a Deputy Public Prosecutor. He was later appointed as president of the Sessions Court.During this period, nationalism was running high among the Malays, with Datuk Onn Jaafar leading the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) in the struggle against Britain's Malayan Union (see History of Malaysia). Abdul Rahman joined UMNO and became active in Malayan nationalist politics.

In August 1951 an internal crisis in UMNO forced Datuk Onn to resign as party president. Abdul Rahman was elected as the new president, holding the post for 20 years.ROAD TO INDEPENDENCEIn 1954 Abdul Rahman led a delegation to London to seek independence for Malaya, but the trip proved to be unfruitful. In the following year, the first federal general election was held, and the Alliance Party (Perikatan), a coalition of UMNO, the Malayan Chinese Association (MCA) and the Malayan Indian Congress (MIC) won fifty-one out of the fifty-two seats contested. Abdul Rahman was elected as Malaya's first Chief Minister. The Alliance was later joined by the Malayan Indian Congress (MIC) in 1955, representing the Indian community.Later in 1955 Abdul Rahman made another trip to London to negotiate Malayan independence, and 31 August 1957 was decided as the date for independence. When the British flag was lowered in Kuala Lumpur on independence day, Abdul Rahman led the crowd in announcing 'Merdeka!' Photographs of Abdul Rahman raising his hand, and recordings of his emotional but determined voice leading the cheers, have become familiar icons of Malaysian independence.PREMIERSHIPAbdul Rahman dominated the politics of independent Malaya (which became Malaysia in 1963), and led the Alliance to landslide wins in the 1959, and 1964 general elections.The formation of Malaysia was one of Abdul Rahman's greatest achievements.

In 1961 he made a speech at the Foreign Correspondents Association of Southeast Asia in Singapore, proposing a federation Malaya, Singapore, Sabah, Sarawak, and Brunei. On 16 September 1963, with the federation of all these states except Brunei, Abdul Rahman was formally restyled Prime Minister of Malaysia.However, the racial factor was worsened with the inclusion of Singapore, which increased the Chinese proportion to close to 40%. Both UMNO and the MCA were nervous about the possible appeal of Lee Kuan Yew's People's Action Party (PAP, then seen as a radical socialist party) to voters in Malaya, and tried to organise a party in Singapore to challenge Lee's position there. Lee in turn threatened to run PAP candidates in Malaya at the 1964 federal elections, despite an earlier agreement that he would not do so (see PAP-UMNO relations). This provoked Abdul Rahman to demand that Singapore withdraw from Malaysia.On 7 August 1965, Abdul Rahman announced to the Parliament of Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur that the Parliament should vote yes on the resolution to have Singapore to leave the Federation, choosing to 'sever all ties with a State Government that showed no measure of loyalty to its Central Government' as opposed to the undesirable method of repressing the PAP for its actions. Singapore's secession and independence became official on 9 August 1965.Abdul Rahman initiated the establishment of the Association of Southeast Asia (ASA) in 1961, grouping Malaya, Thailand and the Philippines.

This grouping was later replaced by a larger grouping, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) which was formed on 8 August 1967.At the 1969 general election, the Alliance's majority was greatly reduced. Demonstrations following the elections sparked the May 13 racial riots in Kuala Lumpur. Some UMNO leaders led by Tun Abdul Razak were critical of Abdul Rahman's leadership during these events, and an emergency committee MAGERAN took power and declared a state of emergency. Abdul Rahman's powers as Prime Minister were severely curtailed, and on 22 September 1970, he was forced to resign as Prime Minister in favour of Abdul Razak. He subsequently resigned as UMNO President in June 1971, in the midst of severe opposition of the 'Young Turks' comprising party rebels such as Mahathir Mohammad and Musa Hitam. The duo later became Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia respectively.INVOLVEMENTS IN ISLAMAfter making Islam the official religion in 1960, Abdul Rahman established the Islamic Welfare Organisation (PERKIM), an organisation to help Muslim converts adjust to new lives as Muslims.

He was President of PERKIM until a year before his death. In 1961 Malaysia hosted the first International Qur'an Recital Competition, an event that developed from Abdul Rahman's idea when he organised the first state-level competition in Kedah in 1951.In 1969 Abdul Rahman helped to set up the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC), of which he was the first Secretary-General.

Subsequently, he initiated the setting up of the Islamic Development Bank as a specialised institution within the OIC. He was also President of the Regional Islamic Da'wah Council of South East Asia and the Pacific (RISEAP) from 1982 to 1988.Abdul Rahman upheld the independence social contract of a secular Malaysia with Islam as its official religion. On the occasion of his 80th birthday, Abdul Rahman stated in the The Star newspaper of 9 February 1983 that the 'country has a multi-racial population with various beliefs. Malaysia must continue as a secular State with Islam as the official religion.' In the same issue of The Star, Abdul Rahman was supported by the third Malaysian Prime Minister, Hussein Onn, who stated that the 'nation can still be functional as a secular state with Islam as the official religion.'

SPORTS INVOLVEMENTAn avid sportsman, Tunku Abdul Rahman initiated an international football tournament, the Pestabola Merdeka (Independence Football Festival) in 1957. The following year, he was elected as the first president of Asian Football Confederation (AFC), a post he held until 1976.LATER LIFEIn 1977, having acquired substantial shares in The Star, a Penang-based newspaper, Abdul Rahman became the newspaper's Chairman.

His columns, 'Looking Back' and 'As I See It', were critical of the government, and in 1987 Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad banned the newspaper. This led to a split in UMNO, with Abdul Rahman and another former Prime Minister, Tun Hussein Onn, setting up a new party called UMNO Malaysia, but its registration was quashed by Mahathir Mohamad, who set up his own UMNO Baru ('New UMNO'). Abdul Rahman later supported Semangat 46, a splinter group of UMNO led by Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. He campaigned actively for the latter in the General election of 1990, but was already in very poor health.DEATHIn his later years, Abdul Rahman lived in his house in Penang. The Tunku died on 6 December 1990 at the age of eighty-seven, and was laid to rest at the Langgar Royal Mausoleum in Alor Star.FAMILYAbdul Rahman married at least four times. By his first wife, a Chinese woman named Meriam Chong, he had Tunku Khadijah and Tunku Ahmad Nerang. On Meriam's death, he married his former landlady in England, Violet Coulson.

He was ordered to divorce her by the Regent of Kedah.He then married Sharifah Rodziah Syed Alwi Barakbah, with whom he adopted four children, Sulaiman, Mariam, Sharifah Hanizah(granddaughter) and Faridah. Sharifah Rodziah served as Malaysia's first lady during Tunku's prime ministership.Wanting to have more children of his own, he secretly married another Chinese lady named Bibi Chong who converted upon marriage.

He had two daughters with her, Tunku Noor Hayati and Tunku Mastura.AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONIn 1961, Tunku Abdul Rahman was appointed to the Order of the Companions of Honour (CH) by Queen Elizabeth II.TRIVIA1. Tunku Abdul Rahman Stamp Issues: In 1991, he adorned part of the collection of Past Prime Ministers of Malaysia stamps issue. In 2003, stamps of Tunku Abdul Rahman were issued to commemorate his 100th birthday anniversary and to pay tribute to him as he was the first prime minister of Malaysia since Malaysia became an independent nation in 1957.2. The Tunku was fond of fast driving during his days in England and had amounted 28 traffic offences.3. He claims his lucky number is 13. He would win horse races that were held on the 13th of the month. Winning was a sure thing on Friday the 13th for him, he claimed.4.

He is also very (quite a bit) superstitious. He does not cut his hair or nails on Friday (the Muslim Sabbath) or walk under a ladder.

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