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We are a subreddit for professional discussion about social media and best practices. It is best suited for people that are professionally working with social media or digital media in general.It is not a helpdesk for personal issues with social media platforms.Community Rules.(1) Submission need to be informative or have to be questions and directly related to the workfield of the social media professional.(2) No self-promotion. Also, no recruitment for ‘engagement groups’ or quid pro quos.(3) No selling of accounts. People trying to sell accounts here will be banned.(4) No personal problems that are not directly related to working as a social media professional. We are not a helpdesk.(5) Try to be as specific as possible when posting. You can use FB IG TWIT LI YT TWITCH SNAP TIKTOK PINT SEA to tag posts.FAQThe number one rule is to experiment yourself before setting out.

Can be a good starting point for specific questions but it’s important to do a little work yourself.The most important thing to be able to take on any problem is formulating what your goals are. Try to set goals and then work out which steps you need to take.Which platform is best for me?Which platform you want to use depends on what you are trying to accomplish. Are you looking for local or a global market? Are you looking to engage teenagers or senior citizens? Are you trying to market handbags or car tires? Are you making videos of fast moving things or are you taking photographs of inanimate objects?

All these aspects factor in when trying to answer which platform works best for you. A combination of platforms could also be the answer.Is Social Media Platform dead?Some platforms are declining and some are growing. Reading up on active users is a good starting point to try to answer this question. Also, you can use our to find similar recent threads.What is the best time to post content?A simple question without simple answers. You need to take into account how long it takes for a post to reach peak potential.

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Also, for some platforms the time that most people are online is not the same time that people engage with posts. Using common sense and allowing for a little time to let a post grow gives the best results. Otherwise there are always reports out there to claim to have.What hashtags and how many hashtags must I use?Again, simple question but very dependent on goals and also algorhythms change. So no easy answers. This has been discussed many times so try usingRelated Subreddits:.Hiring?

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